I've spent my entire morning responding to political blogs on Blogher. Anyway, it all began so innocently. I dropped off my daughter at school at 7:30 - came home - made coffee and checked my email and one thing led to another. I accidentally stumbled upon the Blogher site and that was the end of my morning. I spent hours reading and responding to blogs about Sarah Palin. The whole thing is mind numbing.
I'm feeling incredibly guilty for skanking around in my pajamas for hours drinking coffee, typing and screaming out loud at people I don't know or care about. I could have sworn I was only doing this for maybe an hour - an hour and a half at most. It was like an out of body experience because the next thing I noticed it was 12:30 and my coffee is ice cold and I'VE GOT TO GET UP and do something productive. OK, OK, I'll make up for it. Here's my to do list or,
things I've should have done
litter box
wash floors
make food for family
Oh Bliss! Yeah, this is satisfying.
Note to self: Remember, you're a multitask er. Don't sit at computer for hours upon hours talking shit about lame political leaders. Instead, turn on talk radio show (preferably left wing talk radio show) and get housework done whilst listening to others talk shit about lame political leaders.
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